Baby lying in crib wearing 1 TOG bamboo baby sleep bag in camel print

All about Wearable Blankets

Unlike loose blankets and quilts, which can accidentally cover a baby's face and pose a suffocation risk, wearable blankets like a baby sleep bag or sleep sack are specially designed garments for infants and young children to wear during sleep. It serves as a safe and convenient alternative to traditional blankets and quilts in a crib or cot and are designed to keep babies warm and comfortable while reducing the risk of suffocation, overheating, and other hazards associated with loose bedding.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends the use of wearable blankets like baby sleep bags to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related accidents. As they recommend that your baby’s crib has nothing loose in it apart from a tight fitted sheet until they’re over 12 months old, a baby sleep bag has been designed to keep your baby warm when they sleep without the common risks that come with using a loose blanket.

What are the benefits of baby sleep bags and sleep sacks?

  • It’s sleeveless design allows for air to flow through the arm holes to help with temperature regulation 
  • It’s design also prevents the baby from getting tangled in the fabric when they move around in their sleep
  • Sleep sacks essentially function as wearable blankets that cover the baby's body from the neck down. They come in various sizes to accommodate different age groups, from newborns to toddlers.

  • They are often equipped with a zipper or snap closure at the front, making it easy to put on and take off. This closure ensures that the sleep bag stays securely in place while the baby sleeps. The Hushabye baby sleep bags have a 2-way zipper to allow for easy nappy changes at night without the need to take your baby out of the sleeping bag.
  • Baby sleep bags come in various thicknesses, often indicated by a TOG (Thermal Overall Grade) rating. The TOG rating helps parents choose the appropriate sleep sack based on the room temperature. Check out our TOG guide to find what’s right for you.
  • Sleep sacks are considered safer than loose blankets in the crib because they cannot be kicked off, cover the baby's face, or pose a suffocation risk. They provide a consistent and secure sleep environment.
  • Baby sleep bags allow for some freedom of movement for the baby's legs while keeping the upper body covered. This can be especially beneficial as babies grow and start to roll over and move more during sleep.

To add to the benefits already mentioned, it’s important to reiterate how using a baby sleep bag can decrease the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) because it also decreases the risk of your baby overheating. They are designed to fit snugly around the baby's body so their face does not get covered, reducing suffocation risk.

They also have the added benefit of improved sleep for your baby. Sudden temperature changes can wake them during the night and with a Hushabye baby sleep bag, their temperature will stay nice and regulated all night long. Especially with the 95% bamboo fabric we use which has insulating properties that can keep your baby warmer in colder weather by trapping heat close to the body. The breathable natural fibres provide comfort in any type of climate which means it can help your child better adapt to warmer or cooler nights. Learn more about the benefits of bamboo fabric here!

Lastly, a baby sleep sack can reduce the risk of little hands and feet getting stuck between the crib slats. Since bumpers are not recommended for safe sleep, this is an extra reassurance when transitioning baby to their crib.


When using a baby sleep bag, it's essential to select the appropriate size for your baby and choose a TOG rating that matches the room temperature. Sleep sacks can provide a safe and comfortable sleep environment for infants, promoting healthy sleep patterns and peace of mind for parents.
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